My Quilting Studio

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Banner Tutorial

"Halloween Banner"

The way I have it here it measures 8ft long.

Yes, its a Halloween Banner!  Designed by Sheri Berry at Sheri McCulley Studio.  I love Halloween and since I bought a whole bolt of these wonderful "Spook Alley" Halloween Banners, I thought I better get to Selling them.  There are many ways to put a banner together.   This is my way and you get to use a decorative stitch too.  Ok, here goes.


     Panel "Spooy Alley"  P2877 Orange Costume Banner $8.50
          free shipping available at the end of this tutorial.
     Sewing Machine
     heat friendly Ribbon and cotton thread that match
     Heat and bond, either a 1/4 roll or 1/8 yard off the bolt
          cut in to (8) 1/4 strips
     Rotary Cutter and mat Ruler at least 20 in long to cut heat
          and bond if not on roll
     Iron and Scissors


I used the rotary and mat to cut the top of the banner pieces
3/8 inch from the print and the sides a little less then 1/4 in. from
the print,  you can also use decorative scissors to do this.

Cut your heat and bond into 1/4 in strips.  I used this to
keep the pieces in place on the ribbon while I sewed.  This also
 helped with spacing the pieces  

Use according to the directions to attach the heat and
bond to the top of each piece.

Peel paper from each piece and iron in place. I left 36 in of
ribbon before the first pennant and after the last for hanging.

I measured 1 in from fabric edge to fabric edge
Choose a decorative stitch.

then sew right down the middle of the ribbon

thats it!  hang and enjoy. Now get yours and be ready
for Halloween.  Always free shipping!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Delighted projects

Fat Quarters ready to go!

Table runner close up

Table runner close up on yellow block

corner view

Fits the buffet perfect

On the table and now it needs place mats

matching baby blanket


9in blocks with ruffle and ric rac 3 in border

and a fabric bowl for bread or tortillas!

I am making a diaper bag too, but i have to finish an order first.
I am currently refurbishing or completing a quilt that was started
by a friends mom who has takein ill and can't finish it.  I am
taking pictures and documenting the progress to show on a blog
when I am finished.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

First Fabric Delivery

The First Fabric Collection is here!  Is it silly that I am so excited to see it face to fabric?  I love to just touch fabric and dream what to make.

At the door waiting for me when I got home.

First box to be opened.

AAHH Fabric so beatiful!!!

Next box.... so much fun

AAHHH more fabric!!

all the colors together make me so happy

my first cuts of fat quarters.  and now the sewing begins...